Sunday, November 1, 2009

Next year, I want to be Michael Jackson.

Halloween is usually a holiday that I'm indifferent about—I can't be bothered to put the effort or money into a costume, and even when I make an attempt, I always feel underdone. Also, I don't care.

This Halloween, however, was surely a treat because my parents, sister and my sweet niece all came down for a visit—and we did some serious trick-or-treating. I can get behind the kiddie part of Halloween, not so much the cattle-like shuffle into the Castro just to get shot at (and pay double for drinks). Meh.

We all stayed at the appropriately old and spooky Palace Hotel, which reminded my mother of the Overlook Hotel, and was convinced that twins would appear in the hallway at any moment. My niece and I christened our hotel room by reenacting Tina & Ike's version of "Proud Mary," complete with Tina-style hair flipping and a half-glittered Hannah Montana microphone (the dog got to it), as a prop. It was such a good time, that I got requests from Isabelle to "dance around" for the rest of the weekend. I'll follow-up with some priceless photos.

On Halloween day, we stopped by Paxton Gate Curiosities for Kids, for what I thought would be a fun costume party. But, it turned out to be more of a cooking class, and we arrived just in time for the compostables discussion (these are the moments that I really adore living in San Francisco). The instructor informed the children that although they were using compostable cutlery, that they should reuse them as much as possible, prompting one of the kids to announce that his family just got a brand new compost bucket. Very exciting.
Isabelle was luke warm about the "party" to begin with, and after half-heartedly cutting a few slices of an apple for the "witches brew," we moved on. To be honest, the party was a bit of a disappointment, but if nothing else, it was worth it to see another grown man dressed á la Where the Wild Things Are, an energetic little boy talk to himself for 10 minutes, and my niece giving the whole situation stink eye.
We ended up in Noe Valley for trick-or-treating, which turned out to be a splendid idea. The streets were packed, the Victorians looked haunted, candy was flowing like wine, and my skeptical parents even had a good time—it was magical. With plenty of candy and eyecandy for the evening, Isabelle announced that, "Next year, I want to be Michael Jackson." But later followed up with, "Or maybe a princess." We'll see.

Moving on to November...

October was a decent month, productivity-wise, but man! It really flew by. October? Hardly knew her!

My big goal for the year is to premiere Nibby Co. at the SFCB Holiday Faire, and as you can imagine, there's a lot of work to be done. Let's review October, shall we?

File Fictitious Business Name. Done and done and done.
Publish FBN ad in local newspaper. Thanks to the SF Examiner, this was easily accomplished. To quote Martin Lawrence from Bad Boys, "Shit just got real."
Complete Isa run #1 and #2, start #3. I'm not entirely sure what I meant by this, but I mostly have just run #1, maybe some #2. I'm not exactly sure where I'm going with it.
Continue to refine blog. Although this is an on-going goal, I think I've managed to make a lot of progress.
≥ Shut down computer. Hah!
≥ Blog an average of 3/week Double hah!
≥ BUSINESS CARDS: Finish designing and print. Very important. Hmm. I'm much further with the design, but they're not ready to print. Perhaps November.
Finish Celestial run. I'd say so.
Begin illustrations for calender, design rough layout. Very exciting, lots of progress here! I've been working on this project since last year, so it'll be a big accomplishment for me.
Brainstorm and begin designing holiday cards. Sure, why not? I began, I brainstormed, now I need to finish.

New Goals for NOVEMBER:
(I'm going to break these down a bit more)

≥ Complete all calendar drawings, scan and edit.
≥ Purchase bulldog clips and card bags.
≥ Print calendars.
≥ Brainstorm/plan packaging for calendars.
≥ Design two holiday cards and matching labels.
≥ Try to blog.
≥ Print crops.
≥ Print business cards (for realzies).
≥ Order custom stamp.
≥ Plan table setup.

Now that I have another job (oy!), finding the time to get my goals accomplished will be more of a challenge this month. You can do it Sliv!


  1. Hi! I found you through the Modish goals blog. It's uncanny how similar or goals/accomplishments are! I, too, am working on a calendar, just printed new business cards, just got card bags... was thinking about a custom stamp. Weird. Anyway, good luck to you! : )

  2. Oh wow, that IS uncanny! Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I love how the Modish Biz blog creates this sense of community and support.
