Thursday, September 17, 2009

Mid-September Monthly Goal Meetup


In an effort to keep me motivated, and feel more a part of a community I'm participating with the blog Modish Biz, and their monthly goal meetup. That is, each month I will be posting my new goals, reviewing my past goals and talking about the biz. Not that I don't regularly talk about the biz, but this will be in a more organized fashion. And we share our blogs with each other! Hooray!

Anyhoo, here are my monthly goals for the rest of SEPTEMBER:

≥ Get fictitious business name
≥ Complete printing of Isa card Run #1
≥ Refine logo design
≥ Refine blog design
≥ Shutdown computer everynight (and close all of my Firefox tabs)
≥ Blog at least 3 times a week

I can do it!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Greatest Love of All.

I may have the greatest purchase of all time on my hands:
A 22-Volume set of the Life Magazine Science Library!!! For SIX DOLLARS! And it was published in 1963!

First of all, how well does this go decor-wise with my Mad Men Mixers, where I pretend to be working at Sterling Cooper and attempt to match them drink for drink? And how Nibby is this? At least, this is what I want Nibby to be—the essence of these books.

I mean, really!

August Schmaugust

It appears that I fell off the face of the earth during the month of August. Either that, or I went to Hawaii. I'll ignore the fact that I was only in Oahu for five days and blame all of my unchecked "To Do" items (such as this blog) on my solo tanning contest. But really, it had a lot to do with my newfound obsession with Mad Men and a hectic work schedule.

Alas, I am here again, and ready to face mid-September.

Why do you have to be so good?