Saturday, January 2, 2010

Twenty-Ten Ho!

It's official: I'm over 2009.

It was a year of great personal and professional growth, but bittersweet none the less. I'm happy to report that I had zero cars stolen in 2009, opposed to the two that were stolen in 2008—however much of my sanity was stolen thanks to my ex-roomate, the bed bug.

There was an intensity with 2009 beyond any recent year that I can remember, but I take solace in the fact that it's not just me. We all felt it, we all experienced it, and now we move forward.

That will be my theme for 2010: advancement. Little by little, brick by brick, that's all I can ask for.

With that, I give you my January and 2010 goals:
December was a big month for Nibby Co. So much so, that we didn't even need to write our monthly goals down—we had it covered. You know what else? There's no need to review my last set of goals, because I got EVERY one of them accomplished. You heard me.

I honestly couldn't have done it without my family and friends, and I can't thank you all enough for your incredible enthusiasm and support. Thank you, thank you.

≥ Get Etsy store up and running!
≥ Complete Big Cartel store setup.
≥ Buy postal scale and mailing materials.
≥ Complete printing second run of Hubble & Isa.
≥ Complete designs for Valentine's Day - 2 Isa and 2 mini.
≥ Print Valentine's cards.
≥ Brainstorm special Valentine's gift.

2010 Goals (so far)
≥ Set up two online stores (Etsy & Big Cartel).
≥ Launch website.
≥ Run a table at 3 or more art/craft fairs (Capsule, PCBA and Renegade).
≥ Expand Isa and It's Science collections to include 6 items each.
≥ Add coasters, journals and wrapping paper to the product line.
≥ Get a bookkeeper.

That's all for now. Hopefully I can follow-up with a post of lighter, more personal resolutions some photos from the holidays and what not.

1 comment:

  1. hey ms. silva, i've been checking etsy off and on for your stunning products. please let me know when you're off and running, and i'll be one of the first to board with a purchase. can i see what you've been up to otherwise?
